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[b]lood everywhere, and heart so fast.
[e]ven one touch puts end this madness.
[e]vil my lord, can change that all.
[t]he people always suffer under despots.
[l]eaf fall of trees, like red arrows of pain.
[e]nough of reasons killing men.
[j]ust look inside your [u]gly soul.
[i] guess you learned a lesson.
[c]ause' steel the sword there is my way, I never die, who heal my pain?
[e]very time i ask my lord, to give me one more day, but he's laughing my confession!
Источник: http://litclub.combats.com/art-3431
Тэги: стих

Blood everywhere and heart so fast. Even one touch puts end this madness. Evil my lord can change that all. The people always suffer under despots. Leaf fall of trees, like red arrows of pain, enough of reasons killing men. Just look inside your ugly soul, I guess you learned a lesson. Cause' steel the sword there is my way, I never die, who heal my pain? Every time I ask my lord, to give me one more day, but he's laughing my confession!
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