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[n]ot today, she said again.

[i]f you wanna be her friend,

[s]tay on hard, out a brain,

[f]eeling is better by the way.

[r]ight, it seems so fun and cute,

[t]ry be patient and don't mad.

[i]f you wanna be her friend,

[t]ake your time, don't be affraid

[i]t's start of love with no end.

Тэги: стих
[12] 31/05/21

Not today, she said again. If you wanna be her friend, stay on hard, out a brain, feeling is better by the way. Right, it seems so fun and cute, try be patient and don't mad. If you wanna be her friend, take your time. It's start of love with no end.

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